Zitate / Quotes

I recently graduated from the Master program of Wood technology. My study gave me the chance to experience the real German working style in a German medium-sized family enterprise from an international perspective. This experience helped me discover what I am passionate about. Now I am working as a consultant in furniture and wood industry. I enjoy helping customer to make progress and reach their goals with the help of my knowledge.

Tongyu (Valerie) Z. HT-M International Student Porträt Tongyu

Wood is a valuable natural resource that is critical to humanity's future. Regarding sustainable forest management and combating climate change, wood is a major topic of discussion among governments throughout the world and with international organizations. The experiences, and abilities I gained at the Masters of Wood Technology at Rosenheim have provided me with a firm foundation for working on global issues with timber companies, such as international timber trade and EU timber regulations. For my Bachelor’s thesis I am working with local companies in Cameroon to develop a due diligence procedure for international timber trade with tropical timber exporters that is both legal and fair.

Leonel V. C. HT-M International Student Porträt Leonel

„Since I started my master thesis on the influence and mechanisms involved in primers systems and other products used on wood to improve its performance, I discover the beauty of science in wood and realized that there is no such thing as wood waste!“

Francis T. S. HT-M International Student Porträt Francis

Holz ist durch seine CO2 Neutralität und die Wiederverwertbarkeit DIE Ressource der Zukunft. Das Holztechnik Master Programm in Rosenheim gibt einem die Möglichkeit, in einem familiären Umfeld, Kenntnisse und Fertigkeiten rund um den schönsten Werkstoff der Welt zu erlangen und zu vertiefen.

Jens N. HT-M Student Porträt Jens

„Ich konnte mit dem Master in Holztechnik mein Knowhow auf die gesamte Holzbranche erweitern und sowohl mein technisches Verständnis ausbauen als auch Management- und Führungskompetenz aufbauen. Durch die vielen individuellen Projekte ist auch meine Leidenschaft für den Holzbau nie zu kurz gekommen.“

Anna Hartlaub Holzbau-Ingenieurin Anna H. vor einem blauen Hintergrund.